Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
The World Of Train Travel
From Murder Mystery Fun on the Orient Express to Soaking Up the Views on Canada's Rocky Mountaineer, and Experiencing America on Amtrak, this episode of Big Blend Radio's VACATION STATION Travel Podcast explores the world of train travel!
- BARBARA REDDING - Travel writer and photographer. See her story on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad: https://barbararedding.com/a-rolling-history-ride-in-durango/
- ROSE PALMER - Travel writer and photographer. See her train travel stories from Europe and England:
* https://quiltripping.com/luxury-without-murder-orient-express/
* https://quiltripping.com/merry-christmas-train-trip-a-british-pullman-day-trip-to-the-winchester-christmas-market/
- DIANE DOBRY - Travel, food, and wine writer. Follow her adventures at https://gettinghungary.com/ and http://discoverydaze.com/
- EVA ELDRIDGE - World Traveler, writer, and editor. More: https://evaeldridge.com/
- VICTORIA CHICK - Contemporary figurative artist and early 19/20th century print collector. More: https://victoriachick.com/
- DAVID KRISO - Travel writer and speaker at https://dektraveljournal.com/. Hear his interview about Amtrak travel: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/the-joys-of-amtrak-travel/
PLUS, we close the show with Steve Schneickert's Hollywood History segment covering Railtown 1897 State Historic Park in the historic California gold rush town of Jamestown.