Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Visiting Maui and Supporting the Island's Renewal
This episode of Big Blend Radio's WANDER THE WORLD WITH SHARON podcast with Sharon K. Kurtz focuses on how visiting Maui in Hawai'i is a vital step in supporting the island's renewal after the deadly wildfires that devastated Lahaina in August 2023.
From outrigger canoeing to cycling down a volcano, read Sharon's article about what you can experience in Maui, as well as how you can help support this magical and culturally historic destination, here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/visiting-maui-a-vital-step-in-supporting-the-islands-renewal/
Big Blend Radio's "Wander the World with Sharon" Podcast features award-winning travel writer and photographer Sharon K. Kurtz. New episodes air every first Wednesday at 12pm CST at https://wandertheworldwithsharon.podbean.com/
Sharon Kurtz is an accomplished travel writer and award-winning photographer based in Austin, Texas, dedicated to exploring the world and sharing her adventures through compelling storytelling. Her travels have taken her to more than 50 countries on six continents—her carry-on is always packed, ready for the next adventure. Enjoy Sharon’s writing at https://sharonkkurtz.com/.