Saturday Dec 07, 2024
Tacoma's Tall Ships, Local Gems, and Must-See Attractions
On this episode of Big Blend Radio, Linda Kissam "Food, Wine & Shopping Diva," talks with authors Peggy Cleveland and Emily Molina about Tacoma, Washington’s Tall Ships, Local Gems, and Must-See Attractions. Read her story about Tacoma here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/tacomas-tall-ships-local-gems-and-must-see-attractions/
Peggy Cleveland is an avid traveler, food and wine enthusiast, and author of "100 Things To Do In Tacoma Before You Die." Visit: https://peggywhereshouldigo.com/
Emily Molina is a freelance writer whose love of history and the sea led to her first book, "Tacoma's Tall Ship - The Extraordinary Journey of the Odyssey." Visit: https://molinawriter.wordpress.com/
Travel writer Linda Kissam appears on Big Blend Radio every first Saturday. Follow her podcasts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzIUCV2e7qm1LoD5wiSJu4NM4KZxuJYoj
Follow Diva Linda's adventures here: https://allingoodtaste.info/
This episode is also being shared and featured on other Big Blend Radio Network Channels including "Vacation Station." Check out our network of podcasts: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-network/bigblendradionetwork