Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Chef Ivan Flowers - Sunday Suppers and Pan Roasted Duck
Celebrate Sunday Supper Month (January) on this episode of Big Blend Radios BIG DAILY BLEND podcast features Ivan Flowers, 5-Star Chef and Culinary Instructor, who also shares how to make his recipe for Pan Roasted Muscovy Duck Breasts. See his recipe here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/pan-roasted-muscovy-duck-breasts/
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "The table is a meeting place, a gathering ground, the source of sustenance and nourishment, festivity, safety, and satisfaction. A person cooking is a person giving: Even the simplest food is a gift." Laurie Colwin
PUZZLE OF THE DAY: World of Wine online crossword: http://tinyurl.com/2unxm83e
BOOK SUGGESTIONS: "The Art of French Cooking” by Julia Child, "The Joy of Cooking (1975 by John Becker, Ethan Becker, Irma S. Rombauer, et al.) and “Cooking with Love: Ventures in the New Israeli Cuisine” by Ruth Milstein
SUGGESTED VIEWING: "Julia" TV Series, "Julie & Julia" Film, and "The Art of French Cooking" with Julia Child.
MUSIC TO COOK TO: "Home Cookin'" by Jr. Walker & The All Stars, "I'm In The Mood by John Lee Hooker, "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash, "Ducks on the Wall" by The Kinks, "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith, "Loving Cup" by The Rolling Stones, "Spill the Wine" by Eric Burdon & War, "Coconut" by Harry Nillson, "Banana Boat Song - Day O" by Harry Belafonte.