Monday May 10, 2021
Life Lessons from the Tennis Court - Steve Piacente on Big Blend Radio
On this episode of Big Blend Radio, Steve Piacente shares insights and critical lessons outlined in his LinkedIn article “Note to Sports Parents: What They’re Really Learning on the Field of Play.” See: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/note-sports-parents-what-theyre-really-learning-field-steve-piacente/
These lessons include Responsibility and Consistency, Stability, Leadership, Communication, Time Management, Critical Thinking, Capability and Capacity. Steve is a former journalist turned life coach, who is certified by the International Coach Federation, and is also the Director of Training at The Communication Center in Washington, D.C. He is the award-winning author of three novels, “Pretender,” “Bella” and “Bootlicker.” His latest book is “Your New Fighting Stance: Good Enough Isn’t and You Know It.”
Featured music on this episode is “Stepping Stones” by Kimia Penton.