Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Steve Piacente - Go Different and Go Daring in 2023
It's a reflective time of year when we look back on the last 12 months, take inventory of our personal and professional lives, and look at what we want to achieve in the future. To help navigate the murky waters of change, life coach Steve Piacente shares insights from his LinkedIn article "For 2023: Go Different, Go Daring," see: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/2023-go-different-daring-steve-piacente/
Steve is a former journalist turned life coach, who is certified by the International Coach Federation, and is also the Director of Training at The Communication Center in Washington, D.C. He is the award-winning author of three novels, “Pretender,” “Bella” and “Bootlicker.” His latest book is “Your New Fighting Stance: Good Enough Isn’t and You Know It.” More: https://www.stevepiacente.com/