Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Bed and Breakfast Adventures in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Featuring innkeepers Marjorie and Gene Trosterud, this episode of Big Blend Radio's 2nd Thursday "New Mexico Bed & Breakfast Association" Show focuses on historic Sleepy Lobo Inn, a full service Bed & Breakfast that recently opened in the heart of Albuquerque!
Plus, hear about what you experience in beautiful and culturally diverse Albuquerque while staying at the Inn which is just steps away from the University of New Mexico and historic Nob Hill, a stone's throw to the Bricklight District, two miles from Albuquerque's Downtown, a block from the free Rapid Ride, and a short 10 minute ride from the Airport. More: https://www.sleepyloboinn.com/
Listen to their previous interview on the restoration of their historic inn, here: https://youtu.be/4fu_9rnbM90?feature=shared
Stay New Mexico True and Visit: https://www.nmbba.org/