Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Northwest Trolls - Way of the Bird King
This episode of Big Blend Radio features travel writer Linda Kissam "Food, Wine & Shopping Diva" who talks about the “Northwest Trolls: Way of the Bird King" public art project, Funded by the Scan Design Foundation, the exhibition features six giant hand-built troll sculptures by Danish environmental artist, Thomas Dambo.
The trolls are located on publicly accessible sites around the Pacific Northwest, carrying with them an environmental message to share with their visitors. The large-scale sculptures are meant to encourage visitors to get out into nature. Rread Linda's article here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/northwest-trolls-way-of-the-bird-king/
Linda Kissam appears on Big Blend Radio every first Saturday. Follow her podcasts here: https://tinyurl.com/3r9wmudu