Friday Dec 08, 2023
Barbara Redding - A Magical Tour of Morocco
This episode of Big Blend Radio's "Food, Wine & Travel" Show with IFWTWA features travel writer Barbara Redding who talks about her three-week tour of Morocco that went from Tangier to the Sahara Desert, and then out to cosmopolitan Casablanca. Check out her article and photos, here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/a-magical-tour-of-morocco/
WATCH THIS PODCAST ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/oyOapzAO5iA
Barbara Redding is an award-winning freelance travel writer based in Austin, Texas. A retired journalist, she loves to explore new destinations and revisit familiar places. Follow her stories and adventures here: https://barbararedding.com/
Learn more about the International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association (IFWTWA) at https://www.ifwtwa.org/
Follow Big Blend Radio's "Food, Wine & Travel" Shows with IFWTWA Here: https://shows.acast.com/big-blend-radio-ifwtwa