Monday Jan 29, 2024
Rita Sever - Leading with Compassion in the Workplace
This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUCCESS EXPRESS Business & Career Show features author, professional coach, and organizational trainer Rita Sever who discusses how to lead, create, and cultivate a compassionate workplace.
Points of discussion include:
* What is compassion at work?
* How are compassionate workplaces different?
* What does compassion look like at work?
* What are the caveats and limits in leading with compassion?
* The differences between kindess and "just being nice."
Rita Sever is a regular expert guest on Big Blend Radio. She is the author of “SUPERVISION MATTERS: 100 Bite-sized Ideas to Transform You and Your Team,” and “LEADING FOR JUSTICE: Supervision, HR, and Culture.” Learn more at https://supervisionmatters.com/