Friday Aug 30, 2024
Best Beaches - Destinations and Family Memories
In honor of National Beach Day (August 30), this episode of Big Blend Radio's VACATION STATION Travel Show focuses on Beach Destinations and Family Memories. Enjoy the group conversation and individual segments that follow and share beach experiences from Tonga and England, to South and North Carolina, New Jersey and Long Island, Mississippi and Texas, and beyond!
- JO CLARK, travel writer and photographer, talks about her local beach community of The Grand Strand in South Carolina's Myrtle Beach area. Check out her Grand Strand travel guide: https://recipestravelculture.com/60-miles-beaches-make-a-grand-strand/
- DIANE DOBRY, travel writer, talks about her family vacations in Noyac Bay, close to Sag Harbor, Long Island. Read her story: https://discoverydaze.com/2021/11/15/sag-harbor-li-a-walk-through-history/
- JULIE DEE SUMAN, travel writer and photographer, talks about her family vacations in the Outer Banks region of North Carolina, and beyond. Visit: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/julie-dee-suman-travel-writer-and-photographer/
- LISA EVANS, travel writer and author of "100 Things To Do in Coastal Mississippi Before You Die," talks about Ship Island in Mississippi. Follow her website for articles covering Ship Island and coastal Mississippi: https://writerlisa.com/published-stories-and-interviews/
- ROSE PALMER, travel writer and photographer, talks about her family vacations in Ocean City, New Jersey. Follow Rose and her travel adventures around the world, on her site https://quiltripping.com/
- SHARON K. KURTZ, travel writer and photographer, shares her beach and nature adventures during her winter visit to Port Aransas, Texas. Read her article about her trip https://nationalparktraveling.com/listing/discover-the-timeless-allure-of-port-aransas/
- GLYNN BURROWS, owner of Norfolk Tours in England, talks about the Beachs of England. Read his article about Walking England's Coastline: https://nationalparktraveling.com/listing/walking-englands-varied-coastline/
- STEVE & KAREN WILSON, aka "Mr & Mrs Wild," are owners of The Lion & The Rose Bed & Breakfast in Asheville, North Carolina. They talk about their beach and whale watching experiences that go from Southern California to Tonga! You can hear even more about their whale watching adventures around the world, here: https://youtu.be/9ElVnSudQ7U?feature=shared