Friday Dec 01, 2023

Traveling Musician and Composer Ben Cosgrove - Bearings Album

Traveling musician and composer Ben Cosgrove returns to Big Blend Radio's 1st Friday "Toast to The Arts & Parks" Show with the National Parks Arts Foundation (NPAF) to talk about his recent travels, artist residency experiences, and beautiful new album "Bearings."

Cosgrove’s new album "Bearings" represents the latest chapter in a career that to date has included solo performances in 49 states (all but Delaware), as well as artist residencies and collaborations with Acadia, Isle Royale, Glacier, and Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Parks (NPAF), White Mountain National Forest, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Chulengo Expeditions, the New England National Scenic Trail, and NASA. To write the new record, Cosgrove relied on a novel and improvisation-focused compositional style that aimed to reflect the real experience of learning topographical space through movement. 

Keep up with Ben at 

Check out Ben's previous Big Blend Radio appearance while he was the NPAF artist-in-residence in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park: 

Learn more about the National Parks Arts Foundation's unique artist residency programs in parks across the country at 

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