Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wine Time with Peggy - Wine, Grilling, and Barbecue
Grilling and Barbecue Season is on with this fourth episode of our new Big Blend Radio "Wine Time with Peggy" series featuring Peggy Fiandaca, who along with her winemaker husband Curt Lawrence Dunham, owns and operates LDV Winery in Arizona. Plus, hear an update on the vineyard, and what the term "Tannins" means. Check out Peggy's recipe for Spicy Grilled Pineapple over Vanilla Bean Ice Cream here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/spicy-grilled-pineapple-over-vanilla-bean-ice-cream/
Wine Time with Peggy airs every 1st Wednesday at 4pm PT / 7pm ET. Learn more and see the playlist here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/peggy-fiandaca-ldv-winery/
Learn more about LDV Winery at https://ldvwinery.com/
Music on this episode: "Rock Gardens, Swimming Pools and Barbeques" from the album "The Perfume of Creosote: Desert Exotica 1"