Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Big Blend Radio 18th Year Anniversary Party
Big Blend Radio is celebrating 18 Years of Podcasting! Starting with this Party, join us for three days of shows celebrating this birthday milestone with mother-daughter hosts Nancy J. Reid and Lisa D. Smith who travel full-time on their Love your Parks Tour while hosting the shows and publishing the digital series of Big Blend Magazines. Hear where and what our guests were up to when they were 18 years old...and, what music they were listening to.
WHAT MUSIC WERE YOU LISTENING TO AT 18? Let us know in the comments, and we'll add it to our special (and growing) playlist on Spotify which you can listen to here: https://tinyurl.com/bdc3d99d
- JOHNNY SCHAEFER - Award-winning singer-songwriter and cohost of our Big Daily Blend podcast every 1st Sunday. More: https://hearjohnny.com/
- EVA ELDRIDGE - Travel and fiction writer, editor, and publishing expert. More: https://evaeldridge.com/
- JON DURANT - Acclaimed guitarist, composer, and producer. More: https://www.jondurant.com/
- BARBARA REDDING - Award-winning travel writer and photographer. More: https://barbararedding.com/
- SHARON K. KURTZ - Award-winning travel writer, photographer and podcaster. More: https://sharonkkurtz.com/
- JAMES BYFIELD - Singer/songwriter, roots musician and founder of the San Francisco blues-based band Blind Lemon Pledge. More: https://blindlemon-pledge.com/
- JO CLARK - Travel writer, photographer and podcaster. More: https://haveglasswilltravel.com/ and https://recipestravelculture.com/
- KATHLEEN WALLS - Travel writer and author of fiction and non-fiction. More: https://americanroads.net/ and https://katywalls.com/
- CHUCK & MIKELYN WUSTMAN - Owners and innkeepers of The Bird & Butterfly Inn in Jasper, Texas. More: https://thebirdandbutterflyinn.com/
- VICTORIA CHICK - Contemporary Figurative Artist and Founder of the Southwest Regional Museum of Art & Art Center. More at https://victoriachick.com/ and https://www.southwest-art-museum.org/
- GLYNN BURROWS - Owner of Norfolk Tours in England. More: https://norfolk-tours.co.uk/
- JULIE SUMAN - Travel writer and photographer. More: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/julie-dee-suman-travel-writer-and-photographer/